Creating new Resource-Types

Lets suppose your own resource does more than only read/write. Then you want to define your own AccessPolicy which encodes the possible accesses to your resource type. This implementation must satisfy the AccessPolicy concept.

Consider an array where you can specify, which element you want to access. Two accesses have to be executed sequential, if they use the same index.

struct MyArrayAccess {
    int index;

    static bool is_serial(MyArrayAccess a, MyArrayAccess b) {
        return (a.index == b.index);
    static bool is_superset_of(MyArrayAccess a, MyArrayAccesss b) {
        return (a.index == b.index);

struct MyArray : rmngr::Resource<MyArrayAccess> {
    std::array<...> data;

    rmngr::ResourceAccess access_index( int index ) const {
        return this->make_access( MyArrayAccess{ index } );

Combining Access Types