Task Creation

The Manager

The very first thing to do in every application using RedGrapes is to create a manager. It combines all required components and provides us with an interface for creating tasks. You also might want to create a namespace alias.

#include <redGrapes/manager.hpp>

namespace rg = redGrapes;

int main()
    rg::Manager<> mgr;

    return 0;

Its template arguments allow an application specific configuration and are discussed in the following sections (see also Extending Task Properties as well as Writing Custom Schedulers), but it is also usable with defaults. The runtime parameter is the number of worker threads which are created additionally to the main thread. By default, it uses the result of std::hardware_concurrency().

rg::Manager<TaskProperties, EnqueuePolicy, Scheduler> mgr( n_threads );

By the the manager-object’s destructor, the thread (which is the main thread) will behave as additional worker thread until all tasks are consumed. Only then the destruction of the manager returns.

Starting a Task

To create a task, the manager method emplace_task() is used. The first parameter is any nullary callable. By using emplace_task() the scheduler is automatically activated and the task will get scheduled and executed in one of the worker threads.

#include <iostream>
#include <redGrapes/manager.hpp>

namespace rg = redGrapes;

int main()
    rg::Manager<> mgr;

            std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;

    return 0;


Tasks are executed asynchronously, so be sure that all captures outlive the tasks execution. For best practice see Lifetimes of Captured Variables.

Return Values

The callable passed to emplace_task() can have any return type. The result can be retrieved through a future object which is returned by emplace_task().

auto result = mgr.emplace_task( []{ return 123; } );
assert( result.get() == 123 );


Always use auto on task results. Do not cast them to std::future, deadlocks might occur! (See Task-Results)